How intimacy and connection are being commodified. And why it's going mainstream.
'Social sex tech — camming sites, fan sites, etc — are yet to receive the algorithmic finesse, UX attention, and UI love that pushed our dating apps and social apps to wide adoption.' There's a reason for that - nobody will fund us: MakeLoveNotPorn has been pioneering social sex for nine years (social in our case in the broader sense of the word - we're spearheading the Social Sex Revolution: We have proven traction and the ability to do something extraordinary: change people's sexual attitudes and behavior for the better: Only two things hold us back, the same two things holding every sextech venture back - lack of access to capital, and inability to advertise (per the banning of sex-related ads by Facebook, Instagram et al). When those two barriers no longer exist - watch this space :)
'Social sex tech — camming sites, fan sites, etc — are yet to receive the algorithmic finesse, UX attention, and UI love that pushed our dating apps and social apps to wide adoption.' There's a reason for that - nobody will fund us: MakeLoveNotPorn has been pioneering social sex for nine years (social in our case in the broader sense of the word - we're spearheading the Social Sex Revolution: We have proven traction and the ability to do something extraordinary: change people's sexual attitudes and behavior for the better: Only two things hold us back, the same two things holding every sextech venture back - lack of access to capital, and inability to advertise (per the banning of sex-related ads by Facebook, Instagram et al). When those two barriers no longer exist - watch this space :)